About Landmark Church
Inspired from Frustration of the lack of “Good Help” that shows up ready for work John has been working on that truth to create Team Up Academy. Through his observance and conversations with business owners and staffing companies, he has developed a comprehensive approach to help motivate those struggling to strive for a better life through working in the trial workplace that provides for a living wage with benefits. He will teach that is not enough. True success requires discipline, life skills, and a strong moral compass to garnish sustainability.
John grew up in a family business, a steel processor naturally became a serial entrepreneur having owned and operated five Tier One Automotive Suppliers in the last 40 years. Currently John is a consultant and administrator for many large automotive equipment tear-outs, equipment rebuilding projects and equipment sales programs. Specializing in robotics, John will use his expertise to develop real-world hands-on tech programs at Team Up Academy.
John is an Eagle Scout and past Boy Scout Leader. He attended both Northern Michigan and Michigan State University’s studying Business Administration. John is married to Cynthia Logli-Bones who also sits on the Team Up Academy Board of Directors.